
Monday, April 22, 2013

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, 2013!

How many of you were around for the very first Earth Day, in 1970?  I was in high school then, and there was much excitement at my high school surrounding the event.  We were all encouraged to think of ways we could change our usual routines to call attention to the need to protect our home planet.

My boyfriend and I decided we would save fossil fuel by not carpooling to school.  Instead, we decided to ROLLERSKATE the two miles to school.  Now, this was long before Rollerblades or other smooth-rolling skates.  I found this photo of what our skates looked like on Etsy.  They fit right over our shoes, with no need for skate keys (like the skates I used as a child).  I wonder if Mom still has any of our skates?  No doubt they are classified as antiques today.
Can you imagine skating on metal wheels for two miles? Plus, this was in Little Rock, Arkansas, with lots of HILLS along the route to school.  But, as I recall, we had a great time and enjoyed all the attention from passing motorists.  Did we skate home, too?  I don't remember that detail! 

However you decide to celebrate Earth Day this year, have fun!