This week's table features my original everyday dishes, Royal Doulton's Fireglow. I fell in love with the shape of the teacup almost 40 years ago, and I still love it.
To carry out the valentine theme, I'm using a red and white tablecloth topped with a drawn-thread bridge cloth made by my grandmother. She also tatted the lace edging. I like this closeup, because you can see the tiny stitches linking the tatting to the hemstitched edge. Grandma Rachel loved all kinds of needlework -- sewing, embroidery, quilting, and knitting. She taught me to knit, and she sewed my wedding gown.
There are luncheon-sized napkins to match the tablecloth. That represents a LOT of tatting! The photo below also shows the red cake stand from Pier 1 that is actually Christmas-themed , but with a lacy paper doily covering the design, it works perfectly for Valentine's Day, too!
Here's a closeup of the pattern on the plate and some of the drawn-thread work. That napkin doesn't look very well ironed, but I really did try!
Like the dishes, this silverplate footed candy dish was a wedding gift. I really like its lacy pattern and have enjoyed using it all these years.
Here's a view of the table. You can see the silver coffeepot from my in-laws' silver service behind the cake plate. This shot also includes the Fireglow sugar bowl and creamer. Aren't you impressed that they are still intact after almost 40 years? My children knew Mama would be VERY unhappy if they broke the sugar bowl lid! This view really shows off the pretty bridge cloth.
Here's the hostess' view:
Family treasures, beloved dishes, and touches of silver -- what could be better for a valentine tea? How about a chocolate cake?
And a piece or two of candy? I'll just make the tea, and we can all sit down.
Thank you for visiting my table today! I will be linking to Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch this week. Be sure to check out all the great tablescapes!
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